Downtown Master Plan

Downtown Chestertown Master Plan

Main Street is embarking on a Downtown Master Plan with our local partners and a consulting firm to plan the future of Chestertown’s Historic District. Working in concert with the Town’s Comprehensive Plan and the Town’s Strategic Agenda, the Downtown Master Plan will focus on multiple aspects, including infrastructure, streetscape, utilities, tourism, and more. The purpose of the Downtown Master Plan will be to develop a vision, strategy, list of projects, and implementation plans to bring this goal to fruition. As Chestertown prepares for its future, the Master Plan will be the guiding document for all major downtown decisions, as well as a beacon for private owners and investors to utilize as they prepare to market their properties or plan improvements.

The Planning Process: Phase One

The Downtown Master Plan will be a multi-phase process. Phase 1 will consist of Visioning & Data Gathering. Many stakeholders will be heard from during this phase, including the general public. See below for a general timeline. To stay in the know, join our email list.


Main Street Chestertown released a public Request for Qualifications in the Fall of 2023 to select a firm to help guide the Downtown Master Plan. Many highly qualified firms submitted proposals. A selection commitee reviewed the proposals and interviewed finalists. In February 2024, Design Collective, a Baltimore-based firm, was hired. Click below to learn more about the RFQ process and Design Collective.

Submit your feedback about the Downtown Master Plan

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Miss the Public Workshop?

Thank you for those who joined us for the Downtown Master Plan Public Workshop on June 26. For those who missed it, or would like to review it, you can view it below. Use the message box to submit comments and feedback.

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